Knowledge Bases

Centralize your organizational knowledge

  • Websites

    Train your agent by ingesting a website, blog, or FAQ.

  • Documents

    Upload documents in a variety of file formats like PDF, TXT, and rich text.

  • Tables

    Use built-in Tables or import your structured data.

  • API

    Dynamically manage your agent’s files and access using an API.

One interface,
global knowledge.

Simple and flexible RAG

Leverage generative AI to find accurate, relevant answers in various document formats.

Manage files dynamically

Allow end-users to upload files and generate personalized responses based on the information they contain.

Graph showing files getting dynamically updated
Provide simple citations

Build trust in your agent by showing end-users your agent’s sources for generated responses.

Graph showing Botpress Inspector that provides citations

What can you do with Knowledge Bases?

Provide answers that matter, sourced from your organization’s knowledge and augmented with real-time information from across the web.

Icon showing a Event Planner chatbot avatar

Lead Qualification

Automate lead assessment based on interactions, focusing on high-quality leads to boost conversion rates.

Icon showing a Customer Service chatbot avatar

Customer Service

Integrate a Knowledge Base for instant FAQ answers and seamless issue resolution, enhancing your customer experience.

Icon showing an Office Assistant chatbot avatar

Corporate Training

Provide personalized learning resources and training schedules, supporting skill development and tracking progress at scale.

Icon showing a Shopping Assistant chatbot avatar

Recommend Products

Offer personalized product recommendations during conversations to enhance customer experience and loyalty.

Icon showing a Finance Assistant chatbot avatar

Market Research

Use an agent to analyze market trends, competitor info, and feedback for data-driven decision-making.

Icon showing a Project Management bot

API Navigator

Integrate API documentation into your Knowledge Base, enabling developers to query functions and error codes efficiently.

Manage files with the Botpress API

The File API allows you to perform advanced file management, enabling real-time dynamic file operations within your AI agent.

const options = {
  method: 'PUT'

fetch('', options)
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(response => console.log(response))
  .catch(err => console.error(err));