Become a Botpress Affiliate

Promote Botpress to your audience and earn 10% of all referred payments for a year.

Apply now

How it works

Embark on a rewarding journey as a Botpress affiliate and watch your influence turn into income.

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Apply to the program

Submit your application and someone from our team will review within 48 hours.

Share with your audience

Once approved as an affiliate, start spreading the word about Botpress to your audience –  newsletters, blogs, videos are all great places to share your link.

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Earn rewards!

Every time a new user signs up to Botpress and we get paid, you get paid. Track how your link is doing on your affiliate dashboard and see how much you'll be earning in the month.

Grow and Thrive

As you continue sharing Botpress with your audience, your commissions continue to grow. We place no
limits to the rewards you can earn.

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Maximize your earnings

With a platform that easily integrates with many tools, maximize your earnings as you promote a solution that connects the power of AI to get things done.

Still have questions? Get in touch