What it is

A simply great integration to connect your Calendly account to your Botpress Bot. Send meeting invites to users and receive an event when they schedule directly in your bot.

How it works

When enabling the integration, a Webhook Subscription is created for your Calendly account using the provided Access Token. This webhook sends an event to the integration when an invitee signs up for one of your events. The Schedule Calendly Event action can be used to create event link. It requires a Conversation Id and Calendly Event URL. It uses the URL to match an event from your Calendly and creates a new link with your Conversation Id embeded inside. This Id is then used to trigger the Calendly Event inside the conversation so that your bot can respond to the event.

Conversation Id is a unique identifier for each conversation. You can pass into this field to embed your id. When receiving a Calendly Event you can use in the Advanced Options Conversation ID field of the Calendly Event Trigger. This will pull the event to the appropriate conversation.

You can see the full integration code at: https://github.com/SimplyGreatBots/Calendly

Tutorial Video



Receiving events from Calendly requires a Standard or higher subscription to have access to webhooks required for this integration.

Calendly Setup
  1. Go to your Calendly Integrations Page and click on API and Webhooks.
  2. Click on Generate New Token, choose a name, and click Create Token.
  3. After the token is created, copy, and save it in a safe location. You will need in step 3 of the Botpress setup.
Botpress Setup
  1. Click Install on the top right and select your bot.
  2. Click the popup that appears to configure your integration.
  3. Add your Calendly access token to the Access Token field.
  4. Enable and save the integration.