To create your account, Google will share your name, email address, and profile picture with Botpress. See Botpress' privacy policy and terms of service.
## What it is A simply great integration to connect your Calendly account to your Botpress Bot. Send meeting invites to users and receive an event when they schedule directly in your bot. ## How it works When enabling the integration, a Webhook Subscription is created for your Calendly account using the provided `Access Token`. This webhook sends an event to the integration when an invitee signs up for one of your events. The `Schedule Calendly Event` action can be used to create event link. It requires a Conversation Id and Calendly Event URL. It uses the URL to match an event from your Calendly and creates a new link with your Conversation Id embeded inside. This Id is then used to trigger the `Calendly Event` inside the conversation so that your bot can respond to the event. `Conversation Id` is a unique identifier for each conversation. You can pass into this field to embed your id. When receiving a Calendly Event you can use in the Advanced Options `Conversation ID` field of the `Calendly Event Trigger`. This will pull the event to the appropriate conversation. You can see the full integration code at: ## Tutorial Video [![image](]( #### Pre-requisites Receiving events from Calendly requires a `Standard` or higher subscription to have access to webhooks required for this integration. #### Calendly Setup 1. Go to your [Calendly Integrations Page]( and click on `API and Webhooks`. 2. Click on `Generate New Token`, choose a name, and click `Create Token`. 3. After the token is created, copy, and save it in a safe location. You will need in step 3 of the Botpress setup. #### Botpress Setup 1. Click `Install` on the top right and select your bot. 2. Click the popup that appears to configure your integration. 3. Add your Calendly access token to the `Access Token` field. 4. Enable and save the integration.