In this lesson

This tab provides an overview of all integrations owned by your Workspace. Here, you can manage integrations your Workspace has contributed to the Botpress Hub, a public repository of integrations designed to extend the functionality and deployment options of your bots. This tab lists integrations your Workspace has contributed to the Hub, not integrations currently installed to your bots. You can manage your bot’s integrations directly from the Studio.

From this tab, you can monitor all integrations owned and managed by your Workspace. You can adjust integration privacy settings, view detailed logs and configurations, and track previous versions for better oversight and control.

The Botpress Hub is accessible to the public and supports collaboration by allowing contributions, sharing with colleagues or other bot builders, and downloading integrations created by Botpress and the builder community. If you’re interested in building your own private integration, or contributing a public integration to the Hub, we’ve got a detailed reference guide for building integrations in the Botpress docs.

Manage Workspace-owned integrations, track versions, adjust privacy, and access the Botpress Hub for collaboration and sharing.
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