In this lesson
Hooks allow custom code execution at specific points in your bot’s lifecycle. They provide a way to intercept and modify messages, manage sessions, log interactions, and integrate with external systems.
Hooks operate like customizable execution points, giving you fine-grained control over how a bot processes and responds to events. They work similarly to Execute Code cards, accepting parameters that vary depending on the hook type.
Hooks can be injected at three key points in a bot’s flow:
- Around messages, either before or after incoming or outgoing messages.
- Around LLMz executions or iterations, so either before LLMz generates an output or after it runs through an iteration of its response.
- At the end of a turn or conversation, so you can execute code after something has happened or the conversation has ended.
Using Hooks gives you precise control over bot interactions, so you can save or log custom information or perform specific actions.
Hooks in the Studio interface enable custom code execution at key lifecycle points, allowing message interception, session management, and external integrations.
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