Register & Unregister


register is fired when the integration is enabled. It's essential to note that register is idempotent and can be triggered multiple times, so it's crucial to ensure that your integration handles this appropriately.

register is the perfect place to create webhooks or subscribe the Botpress webhook to the integration to receive information. It is also a suitable place to verify the correctness of the information provided in the configuration.

Here's an example of register in a Shopify integration:

import axios from 'axios'
import type * as botpress from '.botpress'
import { SHOPIFY_API_VERSION } from '../const'

type Implementation = ConstructorParameters<typeof botpress.Integration>[0]
type RegisterFunction = Implementation['register']

export const register: RegisterFunction = async ({ client, ctx, logger, webhookUrl }) => {
  axios.defaults.baseURL = `https://${ctx.configuration.shopName}`
  axios.defaults.headers['X-Shopify-Access-Token'] = ctx.configuration.access_token
  axios.defaults.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'

  try {
    let response = await axios.get(

    if( > 0)
      .info(`Shopify New Order Webhook was found with id ${[0].id.toString()} for Bot ${ctx.botId}. Webhook was not created`)


    response = await`/admin/api/${SHOPIFY_API_VERSION}/webhooks.json`, {
      webhook: {
        topic: 'orders/create',
        address: webhookUrl,
        format: 'json',

    await client.setState({
      type: 'integration',
      name: 'configuration',
      id: ctx.integrationId,
      payload: { webhookId: },

      .info(`Shopify New Order Webhook Created ${} for Bot with Id ${ctx.botId}`)
  } catch (e) {
    logger.forBot().error(`'Shopify New Order Webhook Creation' exception ${JSON.stringify(e)}`)


unregister is called when the integration is deleted from the bot. This is the best place to delete the webhooks, events, triggers, etc., that you created in the register function.

Here's an example of unregister in a Shopify integration:

import axios from 'axios'
import type * as botpress from '.botpress'
import { SHOPIFY_API_VERSION } from '../const'

type Implementation = ConstructorParameters<typeof botpress.Integration>[0]
type UnregisterFunction = Implementation['unregister']

export const unregister: UnregisterFunction = async ({ ctx, client, logger }) => {

  axios.defaults.baseURL = `https://${ctx.configuration.shopName}`
  axios.defaults.headers['X-Shopify-Access-Token'] = ctx.configuration.access_token
  axios.defaults.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'

  // your code continues here...

Make sure to properly handle all possible exceptions and log them using the provided logger.