
The Botpress Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool for developers to manage their Botpress projects efficiently. From your command line, you can handle various tasks such as bot creation, integration management, project initialization, and deployment to the Botpress Cloud.

The CLI is distributed as an npm package, meaning it can easily be integrated into your Node.js environment, with support for yarn and pnpm package managers.

This guide will help you install and utilize the Botpress CLI, demonstrating its extensive range of commands and how it can simplify your bot development process.


The CLI is available as an npm package. It can be installed globally or locally.

npm install -g @botpress/cli # for npm
yarn global add @botpress/cli # for yarn
pnpm install -g @botpress/cli # for pnpm


Here's the result of running bp --help:

bp <command>

  bp login                 Login to Botpress Cloud
  bp logout                Logout of Botpress Cloud
  bp bots                  Bot related commands
  bp integrations          Integration related commands
  bp init                  Initialize a new project
  bp generate              Generate typings for intellisense      [aliases: gen]
  bp bundle                Bundle a botpress project
  bp build                 Generate typings and bundle a botpress project
  bp serve                 Serve your project locally
  bp deploy                Deploy your project to the cloud
  bp add <integrationRef>  Install an integration in your bot

  --help  Show help                                                    [boolean]

Since the bp bots and bp integrations commands are nested, you can run bp bots --help and bp integrations --help to see their respective subcommands.

This is the result of running bp bots --help:

Bot related commands

  bp bots create           Create new bot                         [aliases: new]
  bp bots get <botRef>     Get bot
  bp bots delete <botRef>  Delete bot
  bp bots list             List bots                               [aliases: ls]

  --help  Show help                                                    [boolean]

This is the result of running bp integrations --help:

bp integrations

Integration related commands

  bp integrations get <integrationRef>     Get integration
  bp integrations delete <integrationRef>  Delete integration
  bp integrations list                     List integrations       [aliases: ls]

  --help  Show help                                                    [boolean]