Full Screen Chatbot

You can Customize the Chatbot to be Full Screen by default using below CSS
// Import the Botpress WebChat JavaScript file
<script src="https://cdn.botpress.cloud/webchat/v0/inject.js"></script>
// Initialize the Botpress WebChat with the required parameters
// Replace <your-bot-id> and <your-client-id> with your actual bot and client IDs
"botId": "<your-bot-id>",
"clientId": "<your-client-id>",
// Set the URL for the Botpress WebChat JavaScript file and the messaging server
"hostUrl": "https://cdn.botpress.cloud/webchat/v0",
"messagingUrl": "https://messaging.botpress.cloud",
// Set the name of the bot that will be displayed in the WebChat interface
"botName": "Test",
// Set the width of the WebChat container and layout to 100% (Full Screen)
"containerWidth": "100%25",
"layoutWidth": "100%25",
// Hide the widget and disable animations
"hideWidget": true,
"disableAnimations": true,
// Opens up the Chatbot by default
// This lets users start chatting with the Chatbot without needing to click any buttons or menus.
function () {
window.botpressWebChat.sendEvent({ type: "show" });
Updated about 2 months ago