Send Messages

Send a message or piece of rich content to your user.

Botpress lets you send multiple types of messages to your users.

The various chat clients support rich message types, and content types like text, images, and audio may look different depending on which channel you're using.

Your bot's messages can be as straightforward or as complex as you want. For instance, a content type could be simple piece text or an image or carousel.

Sending Messages

To instruct your bot to send a message, drag a message type from the Card Tray into a Node.

Message Types


This sends a piece of text to your user. This field supports standard markdown and variable expression.


This sends an uploaded image to your user. The title field is mandatory in this card.


This sends an uploaded audio file to your user. The title field is mandatory in this card.


This sends an uploaded video file to your user. The title field is mandatory in this card.


This sends a file to your user. The title field is mandatory in this card.


The 'Card' message type pairs an uploaded image with a title, subtitle, and action button, like a link to your website. The title and subtitle are both mandatory.


The 'Carousel' message type groups together multiple cards in a scrollable carousel.


This card sends an address to your user based on a specified latitude and longitude.