General administration and management settings for your Workspace.
From the Details menu in this tab, you can adjust the Workspace name and handle.
You can also adjust the public profile of your Workspace and add social media profiles that link to your business or agency. From this menu, you also have the option to delete a Workspace.
Deleting a Workspace is irreversible
Note that deleting a Workspace is an irreversible process, and we are unable to restore the contents of any Workspace that has been deleted.
From the Billing menu, you can see an overview of your next upcoming payment, your current AI Spend limit, and retrieve any invoices or details about your payment information.
You will also see an overview of your current plan, and can compare or make changes to this plan.
PAYG and Team plan customers can also make amendments to their subscription, including purchasing or removing add-ons.
Billing FAQs
I've changed my subscription but the changes do not appear reflected in my dashboard?
Because subscriptions are active throughout an entire month (or billing cycle), changes made to your subscription will appear when the next billing cycle begins.
Where can I find Botpress invoices?
You can access invoices by clicking on the 'View invoices and payment information' link in the Billing menu.
Where can I add my Tax ID?
You can add your Tax ID by clicking on the 'View invoices and payment information' link in the Billing menu.
Where can I change which email receives receipts and invoices?
You can adjust billing email preferences by clicking on the 'View invoices and payment information' link in the Billing menu.
I purchased an add-on before my next billing cycle and was charged for AI Spend. Why is this?
When you purchase an add-on in the middle of a billing cycle, you will be charged for the AI Spend your bot has consumed up to that point in the current billing cycle. Your AI Spend limit will then reset back to 0 consumption.
Updated 19 days ago