Custom CSS Reference

If you want to modify the appearance of our built-in webchat, you can use CSS classes to style your bot.

This is the list of all css classes and which part of the webchat they correspond with.

Element NameCSS ClassDescription
ContainerbpContainerMain container for the component
Modal ContainerbpModalContainerWrapper for the modal
Modal OverlaybpModalOverlayBackground overlay for the modal
Modal Dialog ContainerbpModalDialogContainerContainer for the modal dialog
Modal Dialog Title ContainerbpModalDialogTitleContainerWrapper for the modal title
Modal Dialog Title TextbpModalDialogTitleTextText style for the modal title
Modal Dialog Title Close IconbpModalDialogTitleCloseIconClose icon for the modal
Modal Dialog ContentbpModalDialogContentContent area within the modal
Modal New Conversation ButtonbpModalDialogNewConversationButtonButton for starting a new conversation
FAB ContainerbpFabContainerContainer for floating action button
FAB IconbpFabIconIcon within the floating action button
Notification ContainerbpNotificationContainerWrapper for notifications
Notification TitlebpNotificationTitleTitle text for the notification
Notification DescriptionbpNotificationDescriptionDescription text for the notification
Notification IconbpNotificationIconIcon used in the notification
Notification Close IconbpNotificationCloseIconClose icon for the notification
Header ContainerbpHeaderContainerMain container for the header
Header Content ContainerbpHeaderContentContainerWrapper for header content
Header Content TitlebpHeaderContentTitleTitle text in the header
Header Content DescriptionbpHeaderContentDescriptionDescription text in the header
Header Content Avatar ContainerbpHeaderContentAvatarContainerWrapper for avatar in the header
Header Content Avatar ImagebpHeaderContentAvatarImageAvatar image in the header
Header Content Avatar FallbackbpHeaderContentAvatarFallbackFallback for avatar if image fails to load
Header Content Actions ContainerbpHeaderContentActionsContainerWrapper for action buttons in the header
Header Content Actions IconsbpHeaderContentActionsIconsIcons for actions in the header
Header Expanded Content ContainerbpHeaderExpandedContentContainerWrapper for expanded content in the header
Header Expanded Content Description Items ContainerbpHeaderExpandedContentDescriptionItemsContainerContainer for description items in expanded header
Header Expanded Content Description Items Powered BybpHeaderExpandedContentDescriptionItemsPoweredBy"Powered By" text in expanded header
Header Expanded Content Description Items IconbpHeaderExpandedContentDescriptionItemsIconIcon in expanded header description items
Header Expanded Content Description Items TextbpHeaderExpandedContentDescriptionItemsTextText in expanded header description items
Header Expanded Content Description Items LinkbpHeaderExpandedContentDescriptionItemsLinkLink in expanded header description items
Header Expanded Content GroupbpHeaderExpandedContentGroupGrouping element in expanded header
Header New Conversation IconbpHeaderNewConversationIconIcon for new conversation in the header
Composer ContainerbpComposerContainerMain container for the composer
Composer InputbpComposerInputInput field in the composer
Composer Button ContainerbpComposerButtonContainerWrapper for buttons in the composer
Composer Button IconbpComposerButtonIconIcon for buttons in the composer
Composer Upload Button IconbpComposerUploadButtonIconUpload button icon in the composer
Message List Scrollbar ContainerbpMessageListScrollbarContainerContainer for the message list scrollbar
Message List Scrollbar ViewportbpMessageListScrollbarViewportViewport area for the message list scrollbar
Message List Scrollbar BackgroundbpMessageListScrollbarBackgroundBackground for the message list scrollbar
Message List Scrollbar ThumbbpMessageListScrollbarThumbThumb element of the scrollbar
Message List Scroll Down Button ContainerbpMessageListScrollDownButtonContainerWrapper for the scroll down button
Message List Scroll Down Button ButtonbpMessageListScrollDownButtonButtonScroll down button
Message List Scroll Down Button IconbpMessageListScrollDownButtonIconIcon for scroll down button
Message List ContainerbpMessageListContainerMain container for the message list
Message List Marquee ContainerbpMessageListMarqueeContainerWrapper for the marquee in message list
Message List Marquee ContentbpMessageListMarqueeContentContent area for the marquee in message list
Message List Marquee TitlebpMessageListMarqueeTitleTitle in the marquee
Message List Marquee DescriptionbpMessageListMarqueeDescriptionDescription in the marquee
Message List Marquee Avatar ContainerbpMessageListMarqueeAvatarContainerWrapper for avatar in marquee
Message List Marquee Avatar ImagebpMessageListMarqueeAvatarImageAvatar image in the marquee
Message List Marquee Avatar FallbackbpMessageListMarqueeAvatarFallbackFallback for avatar in the marquee
Message ContainerbpMessageContainerMain container for individual messages
Message Avatar ContainerbpMessageAvatarContainerWrapper for avatar in messages
Message Avatar ImagebpMessageAvatarImageAvatar image in messages
Message Avatar FallbackbpMessageAvatarFallbackFallback for avatar in messages
Message Blocks Text Heading1bpMessageBlocksTextHeading1Heading 1 text block in a message
Message Blocks Text Heading2bpMessageBlocksTextHeading2Heading 2 text block in a message
Message Blocks Text Heading3bpMessageBlocksTextHeading3Heading 3 text block in a message
Message Blocks Text UnorderedListbpMessageBlocksTextUnorderedListUnordered list text block in a message
Message Blocks Text OrderedListbpMessageBlocksTextOrderedListOrdered list text block in a message
Message Blocks Text LinkbpMessageBlocksTextLinkLink text block in a message
Message Blocks Image ImagebpMessageBlocksImageImageImage block in a message
Message Blocks Image PlaceholderbpMessageBlocksImagePlaceholderPlaceholder for image block in a message
Message Blocks VideobpMessageBlocksVideoVideo block in a message
Message Blocks Location ContainerbpMessageBlocksLocationContainerContainer for location block in a message
Message Blocks Location TitlebpMessageBlocksLocationTitleTitle for location block in a message
Message Blocks Location IconbpMessageBlocksLocationIconIcon for location block in a message
Message Blocks File ContainerbpMessageBlocksFileContainerContainer for file block in a message
Message Blocks File TitlebpMessageBlocksFileTitleTitle for file block in a message
Message Blocks File IconbpMessageBlocksFileIconIcon for file block in a message
Message Blocks RowbpMessageBlocksRowRow layout block in a message
Message Blocks ColumnbpMessageBlocksColumnColumn layout block in a message
Message Blocks BubblebpMessageBlocksBubbleBubble block in a message
Message Blocks Carousel ContainerbpMessageBlocksCarouselContainerContainer for carousel block in a message
Message Blocks Carousel Slides ContainerbpMessageBlocksCarouselSlidesContainerContainer for slides in a carousel block
Message Blocks Carousel Back ButtonbpMessageBlocksCarouselBackButtonBack button for carousel
Message Blocks Carousel Next ButtonbpMessageBlocksCarouselNextButtonNext button for carousel
Message Blocks Dropdown Button ContainerbpMessageBlocksDropdownButtonContainerContainer for dropdown button block
Message Blocks Dropdown Button TextbpMessageBlocksDropdownButtonTextText for dropdown button block
Message Blocks Dropdown Button IconbpMessageBlocksDropdownButtonIconIcon for dropdown button block
Message Blocks Dropdown Content ContainerbpMessageBlocksDropdownContentContainerContainer for dropdown content block
Message Blocks Dropdown Content ItembpMessageBlocksDropdownContentItemIndividual item in dropdown content block
Message Blocks ButtonbpMessageBlocksButtonButton block in a message
Loading Indicator ContainerbpLoadingIndicatorContainerMain container for loading indicator
Loading Indicator LoaderbpLoadingIndicatorLoaderLoader element in loading indicator