Events for AI enthusiasts

Join an upcoming event and learn more about AI automation from teams delivering amazing AI experiences.

Events Calendar

Upcoming events


Basics Office Hours – EP 23

Mar 5, 2024 3:00 PM

Online - Discord

In this week's Basics Office Hours stream, Robert goes through some best practices for setting up your Knowledge Bases and ensuring that your bot is able to provide relevant, accurate answers to your users' questions.

Developer Office Hours - EP 16

Mar 7, 2024 11:00 AM

Online - Discord

In this week's Developer Office Hours stream, Patrick showcases the newly released Tables API.

Basics Office Hours - EP 24

Mar 12, 2024 3:00 PM

Online - Discord

In this week's Basics Office Hours stream, Robert goes through some best practices for understanding your AI Spend, and how to monitor which actions in the studio are consuming AI tokens.

Basics Office Hours – EP 25

Mar 26, 2024 3:00 PM

Online - Discord

In this week's stream, Robert goes through all of the changes made to the Botpress dashboard, including a revamped user interface and added functionality.

Basics Office Hours – EP 26

Apr 2, 2024 3:00 PM

Online - Discord

In this week's stream, Robert demonstrates how to use the AI Task to extract multiple variables from a large user input. He also demonstrates a community-built bot that retrieves trending YouTube videos about a given topic.

Basics Office Hours – EP 27

Apr 16, 2024 3:00 PM

Online - Discord

In this week's stream, Robert goes over a bunch of updates to Botpress, including schemas used to structure information contained in variables, coreference resolution within questions, tracking variable and workflow usage, and several others.

Developer Office Hours - EP 17

Apr 18, 2024 11:00 AM

Online - Discord

In this week's livestream, Patrick builds a proof of concept of an agent assist implementation with any tool.

Basics Office Hours - EP 28

Apr 23, 2024 3:00 PM

Online - Discord

In this week's stream, Robert goes over the newly-added Vision Agent, which allows you to take an image submitted by someone chatting with your bot and parse/extract its contents. In this example, he demonstrates how to use it to parse the contents of a receipt.

Basics Office Hours - EP 29

Apr 30, 2024 3:00 PM

Online - Discord

In this week's stream, Robert provides an overviewing of using Webhooks in Botpress. You'll learn what they are, how to set them up, and go over a practical example using Dropbox.

Desvendando o Futuro: Chatbots com IA na solução de desafios empresariais

May 16, 2024 10:00 AM

Online – Webinar

Junte-se a Rafael Paiva, CEO da Eteg, no webinar “Desvendando o futuro: Chatbots com IA na solução de desafios empresariais” e descubra como usar soluções em Inteligência Artificial para impulsionar a eficiência operacional, elevar a qualidade dos atendimentos e revolucionar seu negócio! Veja como a Eteg, Parceira Premier da Botpress, tem feito isso para seus clientes, com um caminho de construção baseado em estágios. Trazendo o caso de sucesso da Conectcar (uma empresa referência em soluções de mobilidade e gestão de pedágios eletrônicos), e em seguida apresentando insights sobre as estratégias de IA, nosso objetivo é promover discussões sobre o processo de criação e amadurecimento das jornadas de chatbots. Teremos uma demonstração de como usar a Botpress para desenvolver chatbots com inteligência artificial.

Transforming the Hotel Experience for Guests & Staff with AI Agents

May 22, 2024 11:00 AM

Online – Webinar

Join us for our upcoming webinar on May 22nd at 11:00 a.m. ET, where hostifAI, a Botpress Certified Expert, will explore the tangible benefits of implementing AI chatbot solutions to enhance guest experiences and optimize hotel operations. We will share best practices for hotels looking to adopt AI chatbots. The session will conclude with live demonstrations of the Virtual Butler, Management Assistant, and Staff Assistant.

Developer Office Hours - EP 18

May 30, 2024 11:00 AM

Online - Discord

In this week's livestream, Patrick troubleshoots user issues with translations, and generates a bot's personality using Botpress Schemas and AI tasks.

Developer Office Hours - EP 19

Jun 6, 2024 11:00 AM

Online - Discord

In this week's livestream, Patrick troubleshoots user issues regarding timeouts, transitions, ai tasks, intents, using the Botpress client, and more.

Il ruolo dei Chatbots AI-Driven nella gestione dei processi

Jul 16, 2024 9:00 AM

Online – Webinar

La gestione ed automazione dei processi sarà presto supportata dall'intelligenza artificiale: scoprite come utilizzare i chatbot per soddisfare e migliorare le esigenze aziendali quotidiane.

Unitevi a Valerio Lombardi, Managing Director di engineon, per un webinar che illustra casi d'uso reali di agenti AI che raccolgono dati di ricerca e gestiscono le risorse umane.

Questo webinar fornirà alcuni casi di studio sull'impatto positivo, in termini di ROI, dell'aggiunta di chatbot nella gestione dei processi aziendali.

Past events


Il ruolo dei Chatbots AI-Driven nella gestione dei processi

Jul 16, 2024 9:00 AM

Online – Webinar

La gestione ed automazione dei processi sarà presto supportata dall'intelligenza artificiale: scoprite come utilizzare i chatbot per soddisfare e migliorare le esigenze aziendali quotidiane.

Unitevi a Valerio Lombardi, Managing Director di engineon, per un webinar che illustra casi d'uso reali di agenti AI che raccolgono dati di ricerca e gestiscono le risorse umane.

Questo webinar fornirà alcuni casi di studio sull'impatto positivo, in termini di ROI, dell'aggiunta di chatbot nella gestione dei processi aziendali.

Developer Office Hours - EP 19

Jun 6, 2024 11:00 AM

Online - Discord

In this week's livestream, Patrick troubleshoots user issues regarding timeouts, transitions, ai tasks, intents, using the Botpress client, and more.

Developer Office Hours - EP 18

May 30, 2024 11:00 AM

Online - Discord

In this week's livestream, Patrick troubleshoots user issues with translations, and generates a bot's personality using Botpress Schemas and AI tasks.

Transforming the Hotel Experience for Guests & Staff with AI Agents

May 22, 2024 11:00 AM

Online – Webinar

Join us for our upcoming webinar on May 22nd at 11:00 a.m. ET, where hostifAI, a Botpress Certified Expert, will explore the tangible benefits of implementing AI chatbot solutions to enhance guest experiences and optimize hotel operations. We will share best practices for hotels looking to adopt AI chatbots. The session will conclude with live demonstrations of the Virtual Butler, Management Assistant, and Staff Assistant.

Desvendando o Futuro: Chatbots com IA na solução de desafios empresariais

May 16, 2024 10:00 AM

Online – Webinar

Junte-se a Rafael Paiva, CEO da Eteg, no webinar “Desvendando o futuro: Chatbots com IA na solução de desafios empresariais” e descubra como usar soluções em Inteligência Artificial para impulsionar a eficiência operacional, elevar a qualidade dos atendimentos e revolucionar seu negócio! Veja como a Eteg, Parceira Premier da Botpress, tem feito isso para seus clientes, com um caminho de construção baseado em estágios. Trazendo o caso de sucesso da Conectcar (uma empresa referência em soluções de mobilidade e gestão de pedágios eletrônicos), e em seguida apresentando insights sobre as estratégias de IA, nosso objetivo é promover discussões sobre o processo de criação e amadurecimento das jornadas de chatbots. Teremos uma demonstração de como usar a Botpress para desenvolver chatbots com inteligência artificial.

Basics Office Hours - EP 29

Apr 30, 2024 3:00 PM

Online - Discord

In this week's stream, Robert provides an overviewing of using Webhooks in Botpress. You'll learn what they are, how to set them up, and go over a practical example using Dropbox.

Basics Office Hours - EP 28

Apr 23, 2024 3:00 PM

Online - Discord

In this week's stream, Robert goes over the newly-added Vision Agent, which allows you to take an image submitted by someone chatting with your bot and parse/extract its contents. In this example, he demonstrates how to use it to parse the contents of a receipt.

Developer Office Hours - EP 17

Apr 18, 2024 11:00 AM

Online - Discord

In this week's livestream, Patrick builds a proof of concept of an agent assist implementation with any tool.

Basics Office Hours – EP 27

Apr 16, 2024 3:00 PM

Online - Discord

In this week's stream, Robert goes over a bunch of updates to Botpress, including schemas used to structure information contained in variables, coreference resolution within questions, tracking variable and workflow usage, and several others.

Basics Office Hours – EP 26

Apr 2, 2024 3:00 PM

Online - Discord

In this week's stream, Robert demonstrates how to use the AI Task to extract multiple variables from a large user input. He also demonstrates a community-built bot that retrieves trending YouTube videos about a given topic.

Basics Office Hours – EP 25

Mar 26, 2024 3:00 PM

Online - Discord

In this week's stream, Robert goes through all of the changes made to the Botpress dashboard, including a revamped user interface and added functionality.

Basics Office Hours - EP 24

Mar 12, 2024 3:00 PM

Online - Discord

In this week's Basics Office Hours stream, Robert goes through some best practices for understanding your AI Spend, and how to monitor which actions in the studio are consuming AI tokens.

Developer Office Hours - EP 16

Mar 7, 2024 11:00 AM

Online - Discord

In this week's Developer Office Hours stream, Patrick showcases the newly released Tables API.

Basics Office Hours – EP 23

Mar 5, 2024 3:00 PM

Online - Discord

In this week's Basics Office Hours stream, Robert goes through some best practices for setting up your Knowledge Bases and ensuring that your bot is able to provide relevant, accurate answers to your users' questions.

Recurring Events

Each weekday the Botpress team hosts a 30 minute AMA. Join us on Discord and ask your questions live.

Daily Ask Me Anything

Every weekday at 10:30am ET

Daily troubleshooting sessions, for any kind of bot-building request. Want someone to troubleshoot your issue? We got you! Want someone to build something for you? We got you! Want someone to teach you something in Botpress? That's what this is for!

Botpress Discord Daily AMA

Looking to host your own bot event?