Autonomous Agents

Use LLMs to design smarter conversations

Meet LLMz,
the custom Botpress inference engine.

Optimized for input token compression, smart token truncation, and efficient memory-to-context management.

Build with any LLM

Standard schemas make it seamless to incorporate any LLM directly within the Botpress Studio.

Graph showing LLM integration
Multi-modal conversations

Enable your bot to interact with media in multiple formats like image, text, and voice.

Graph showing multi-modal conversations
Use third-party tools

Integrate your bot with tools and services that it can decide to use at appropriate times.

Graph showing the use of third-party tools
Custom model strategies

Customize what actions are taken so that your bot prioritizes performance, cost, or a combination of both.

Complex conversations,
made simple.

LLMz lets you automate complex conversations and workflows in a single, autonomous, LLM-directed step.

An animation showing how Botpress Autonode simplifies workflow.