Powerful development tools for building great conversations

Discover how our next-gen chatbot editor powered by OpenAI works.

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Jumpstart your chatbot with an easy-to-install template

Input your website and sit back as Botpress Knowledge Bases bring your chatbot to life in minutes. Or find the perfect template for your project in our comprehensive template hub, created by the largest open-source community of chatbot builders.

10K+ stars on Github

Shopping Companion
Assists customers with their online shopping needs specifically post-purchase, offering help with product returns, order tracking, and more.
Health Bot
Template to assist with managing health related tasks. Things such a appointment booking, reminders, basic health info.
Banking Support
Provides customers with assistance with their financial services needs, such as checking balances, transferring funds, and helping with account inquiries.
IT Assistant
Digital assistant designed to IT teams with the management of service requests, such as troubleshooting, providing support, and resolving technical issues.
Telco Billing Advisor
Assists customers with their telecommunications needs, helping with billing, plan changes, and other customer service inquiries.
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Fitness Friend
Provides personalized guidance and support to help users reach their lifestyle goals and build healthy habits in nutrition and exercise.
HR Helper
Human resources chatbot that helps manage personnel related tasks, such as employee onboarding, performance reviews, and more.
Personal Assistant
Personal assistant that helps users with their daily tasks, such as scheduling and reminders, as well as providing personalized recommendations.
Language Tutor
Chatbot to help foreign language learners improve their language skills by providing personalized instruction, practice, and feedback.

Customize the flows with our visual editor

After the jumpstart, customize your happy paths with an intuitive drag & drop interface. Fine-tune each step of the conversation until it’s exactly what you want.

Connect the power of integrations to your conversations

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Elevate your conversations with the power of integrations. From CRMs to e-commerce platforms, connect to the systems you need to empower your users to self-serve.

Preview your conversations in real-time

Seamlessly alternate between designing your chatbot and previewing the conversation in the emulator to put the finishing touches on your customer journeys.

Publish to the channels
where your users are

After you’ve finalized your chatbot, it’s time to put it in front of your users. Easily connect to the channels you need and publish to all with one click.

Improve your bots with continuous insights

Continuous monitoring after your chatbot goes live provides actionable metrics to improve your users’ experience.