To create your account, Google will share your name, email address, and profile picture with Botpress. See Botpress' privacy policy and terms of service.
## What it is A simply great integration to connect your Typeform account to your Botpress Bot. Send forms to users and receive an event with their responses when they are completed. ## How it works The `Send Typeform Link` action can be used to create a new link to the form you wish to use. It requires a Conversation Id and Form URL. `Conversation Id` is a unique identifier for each conversation. You can pass into this field to embed your id. When receiving an Event you can use in the Advanced Options `Conversation ID` field of the `Typeform Event Trigger`. This will push the event to the appropriate conversation. `Form URL` is url of the form you wish to use. You can find the link under `Share` -> `Copy Link`. Ensure that you have setup the hidden field from the Typeform setup to pass the conversation id. You can see the full integration code at: ## Typeform Setup 1. Go to your [Typeform Account]( and click on `Personal Access Tokens`. 2. Click on `Generate New Token`, name your token, and click `Generate Token`. 3. After the token is created, copy, and save it in a safe location. Proceed to the Botpress set up and then return for the final steps. 4. Create/Open the form that you wish to integrate with your bot and click `Connect` in the top menu. 5. Select the Webhooks option and click `Add a Webhook`. 6. Paste your Botpress Typeform Webhook URL into `Endpoint` field and click `Save Webhook`. 7. Click edit on your new Webhook and add Typeform Access token to the `Secret` field and save changes. 8. The final step is to setup a hidden field in your form with a conversation id. Click `Create` in the form -> `Logic` -> `Personalize With Data` -> `Hidden Fields`. 9. Click `Add new field` and name it exactly: `conversation_id` 10. Save and you are now setup to use the Botpress Typeform integration. ## Botpress Setup 1. Click `Install` on the top right and select your bot. 2. Click the popup that appears to configure your integration. 3. Add your Typeform access token to the `Access Token` field. 4. Enable and save the integration. 5. Copy your Webhook URL for the integration. This will be used in Step 6. of the Typeform setup.