# BigCommerce Sync Integration

Connect your BigCommerce store to Botpress to sync products from BigCommerce to your Botpress table.

Installation and Configuration

Walkthrough video for setting up the BigCommerce Integration


  1. A BigCommerce store with products
  2. API credentials with appropriate permissions

Getting BigCommerce API Credentials

  1. Log in to your BigCommerce store and go to Settings in the left sidebar.
  2. Search for Store-level API accounts and click on it.
  3. Click Create API Account
  4. Set the following permissions:
  • Products: Read-only
  • Information & Settings: Read-only
  1. Save your credentials:
  • Access Token
  • Store Hash (Note: the store hash is within the URL of your BigCommerce store. EX: https://store-{Store Hash}.mybigcommerce.com)

Setting Up the Integration

  1. Enter your BigCommerce Store Hash
  2. Enter your API Access Token
  3. Click Save

Using the Integration

  1. Go back to your Botpress studio and refresh the page.
  2. You should see a new table in your Tables section labeled bigcommerce_products_Table. Note: This table is automatically created when the integration is saved. Note #2: The table will automatically update when you make changes to your BigCommerce store (product creation, updates, deletion).