# BigCommerce Sync Integration
Connect your BigCommerce store to Botpress to sync products from BigCommerce to your Botpress table.
Installation and Configuration
- A BigCommerce store with products
- API credentials with appropriate permissions
Getting BigCommerce API Credentials
- Log in to your BigCommerce store and go to Settings in the left sidebar.
- Search for Store-level API accounts and click on it.
- Click Create API Account
- Set the following permissions:
- Products: Read-only
- Information & Settings: Read-only
- Save your credentials:
- Access Token
- Store Hash (Note: the store hash is within the URL of your BigCommerce store.
EX: https://store-{Store Hash}.mybigcommerce.com)
Setting Up the Integration
- Enter your BigCommerce Store Hash
- Enter your API Access Token
- Click Save
Using the Integration
- Go back to your Botpress studio and refresh the page.
- You should see a new table in your Tables section labeled bigcommerce_products_Table.
Note: This table is automatically created when the integration is saved.
Note #2: The table will automatically update when you make changes to your BigCommerce store (product creation, updates, deletion).
# BigCommerce Sync Integration
Connect your BigCommerce store to Botpress to sync products from BigCommerce to your Botpress table.
## Installation and Configuration
### **[Walkthrough video for setting up the BigCommerce Integration](https://youtu.be/3Y_WlvMT8AA)** ###
### Prerequisites
1. A BigCommerce store with products
2. API credentials with appropriate permissions
### Getting BigCommerce API Credentials
1. Log in to your BigCommerce store and go to **Settings** in the left sidebar.
2. Search for **Store-level API accounts** and click on it.
3. Click **Create API Account**
4. Set the following permissions:
- Products: Read-only
- Information & Settings: Read-only
5. Save your credentials:
- Access Token
- Store Hash (Note: the store hash is within the URL of your BigCommerce store.
EX: https://store-{Store Hash}.mybigcommerce.com)
### Setting Up the Integration
1. Enter your BigCommerce Store Hash
2. Enter your API Access Token
3. Click **Save**
### Using the Integration
1. Go back to your Botpress studio and refresh the page.
2. You should see a new table in your Tables section labeled **bigcommerce_products_Table**.
Note: This table is automatically created when the integration is saved.
Note #2: The table will automatically update when you make changes to your BigCommerce store (product creation, updates, deletion).