# Botpress PDF Conversion Integration
## Overview
This integration allows you to convert markdown and HTML content to PDF files using the PDFShift API.
## Configuration
No additional configuration is needed.
## Actions
### Markdown to PDF
Converts markdown content to a PDF file.
#### Input
- `markdown` (string): The markdown content to convert to PDF. (Required)
- `filename` (string): The filename of the PDF. Defaults to `generated.pdf`. (Optional)
#### Output
- `fileId` (string): The generated PDF file ID.
- `fileUrl` (string): The public URL to download the PDF.
### HTML to PDF
Converts an HTML document to a PDF file.
#### Input
- `html` (string): The HTML content to convert to PDF. (Required)
- `filename` (string): The filename of the PDF. Defaults to `generated.pdf`. (Optional)
#### Output
- `fileId` (string): The generated PDF file ID.
- `fileUrl` (string): The public URL to download the PDF.
## Secrets
- `PDFSHIFT_API_KEY`: The API key to use PDFShift. You can get it from [PDFShift](https://app.pdfshift.io/env/apikeys).