# HITL Integration
## Overview
HITL, or Human-in-the-Loop, is a Botpress feature that allows you to take over control of a conversation from your bot. It enables seamless interaction between your end-user and your live agents.
For example, if the conversation involves sensitive personal data, triggers specific legal language, or moves into territory that may require human expertise, the conversation is automatically handed off to a human agent for further handling.
You can configure the system to identify specific keywords, scenarios, or actions that require human oversight. This level of customizability ensures that only relevant conversations are escalated, preserving efficiency while safeguarding privacy.
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/AAkARl8_cTo?si=X34o2Ajp7LmlxOoR" ></iframe>
## Configuration
Ensure that both the HITL Integration and the HITL Agent are installed and enabled. You can enable the HITL Agent from the Agent menu in the Studio.
## Usage
Once you’ve configured the HITL integration, you can use the ‘Escalate to a Human’ card in the ‘Agents’ menu of the card tray to identify points in the conversation at which you want the conversation to be handed over to a live agent.
The conversation will appear in the HITL tab of your bot’s dashboard, and can then be assigned to a live agent, who will be able to participate in the conversation directly from the dashboard.
The live agent can then hand control of the conversation back over to your bot whenever the conversation has been resolved.

HITL is only available to Team and Enterprise customers.