Platform Limits

Limits and Quotas of Botpress Cloud

At Botpress, we have a set of limits and quotas to ensure the stability of our platform and the bots created by our customers and the community.


LimitAmountTechnical Name
The maximum size for the bot settings20KBBot Configuration
The maximum number of integrations that can be installed in a bot30Bot Installed Integrations
The maximum size for integration settings20KBBot Integration Configuration
The maximum number of Schedule Triggers per bot5Bot Recurring Events
The maximum size for the Schedule Trigger event payload128KBBot Recurring Event Payload Size
The maximum number of events (used as Triggers) that an integration can define in its definition file20Event Definition
The maximum number of channels an integration can support (e.g., direct messages, public channels, threads)10Integration Channels
The maximum number of message types that an integration channel can support20Integration Channel Message Types
The maximum number of unique OAuth identifiers an integration can have50Integration OAuth Identifier
The maximum number of versions a custom integration can have50Integration Versions
The maximum size for the payload of messages128KBMessage Payload Size
The maximum size for the integration20KBSchema Size schemas
The maximum number of free-form object variables a bot or an integration can have (limited by the Conversation State Size of 128KB)5State Definitions
The maximum size for the conversation state serialized as JSON128KBConversation State Size
The maximum number of tag definitions per bot50Tag Definitions
The maximum number of columns per table20Table columns
End-user message / event max throughput600 requests / minute / botAPI limit
Maximum size of deployed bot (excluding file storage)100MBBot Size


Quotas are limits that can be increased depending on the plan you're subscribed to. For more information, please check our detailed pricing page.

QuotaAmountTechnical Name
The maximum time for a bot to process a message or an event before timing out (not the same as Inactivity Timeout)60sInvocation Timeout
The maximum combined size of documents uploaded to be sent as media messages (e.g., Images, Audios, Videos, Files, and Cards)100MBStorage Size
The maximum number of bots per workspace5Amount of Bots
The maximum number of members that can be added to a workspace (Collaborators can have roles such as Viewer, Billing Manager, Developer, Manager, Administrator)3Amount of Members
The maximum number of vectors (content chunks) in a Knowledge Base per bot (roughly equivalent to 100MB of documents)5,000Knowledge Base Vectors
The maximum number of records/items that can be stored in a table per bot5,000Table Rows
The maximum number of times a bot can be invoked per month (An invocation occurs when a new conversation is created, when a conversation resumes after a timeout, and when a Trigger is executed)25,000Invocation Calls
The maximum number of times a bot can call cognitive (AI) services per month4,000Cognitive Calls
The maximum number of bot invocations per minute100Bot Rate Limit
The maximum number of custom integrations that can be created per workspace20Owned Integrations
The maximum number of AI model credits that can be used per month5,000LLM Model Credits
The maximum number of row sizes in a table. However, you can increase it from the factors section from the API (Read More Here)4kbTable Row Size
The maximum number of http requests sent from the emulator30 requests / minute / botExternal calls
Botpress API limit*100 requests / secondAPI limit
Integrations API limit*100 requests / second / botAPI limit