
Select LLMs, WhatsApp OAuth, Transcribe Audio, and more

Studio Integrations

The Studio is now the default location to install and manage integrations. They can be configured from this location, as well as installed/uninstalled. This reduces the need to navigate back to the dashboard when wanting to make changes to an integration.

Select LLMs

We've added the ability to select which LLM is used for which task across all actions and card in the Studio. You can configure them in cards, agents, and other global settings like for Autonomous Nodes. You can also set up custom LLM configurations for different actions.

Enabling LLMs can be done through the integrations menu. You can install integrations that allow you to access LLMs across different LLM providers like OpenAI and Anthropic.

WhatsApp OAuth

The WhatsApp integration now supports OAuth, which offers a simplified configuration experience if you're looking to deploy a bot to a Meta-verified business quickly and simply. Manual configuration is still available for complex use cases, but if you're looking for a faster experience then OAuth should work great.

Transcribe Audio

Enabling models that support audio transcription will give you access to the 'Transcribe Audio' card in the Studio. This enables your bot to receive and transcribe audio files, which is currently done through a File URL. We are working to simplify this experience soon.

Policy Agent

The Policy Agent is a global agent that allows you to set system prompts, like 'do not talk about competitor X or Y'. It's a great option to provide global commands to your bot that can be managed at the conversation or the node level.