
Bring your own LLM, Hugging Face, Computed columns

Bring Your Own LLM

Now you can plug in your own LLMs directly into Botpress using the LLM interface. This gives you more flexibility and control over your bot's AI-powered actions. Whether you're working with custom models or specialized solutions, you can now easily integrate them into your workflows. This update is perfect for those who want to fine-tune their bot's behaviour to fit specific use cases or experiment with different LLMs on the fly.

Hugging Face Integration

You can now access Hugging Face's extensive library of models right into the Botpress Hub. It's now simple to access and deploy state-of-the-art NLP models without jumping through extra hoops.

Computed Table Columns

Computed table columns are now live, allowing you to create dynamic, calculated data directly within your tables. You can perform programmatic computation executed through code, or AI-powered operations powered by an LLM. It’s a great way to add more depth to the structured data you have stored in Tables.

What else is new?


🛠️ Autonomous Nodes now provide more descriptive error messages when encountering issues.
📏 LLMz’s truncation logic now accounts for response length, ensuring more accurate outputs.
🧩 Improved the Autonomous Node’s handling of variable reading and writing.
⚡ Optimized Autonomous Nodes to reduce redundant model calls when previous results are available.


⌨️ Fixed an issue with premature truncation that caused messages to lose content unexpectedly.
🗺️ Fixed an issue with sitemap discovery for Knowledge Bases (KBs).
📕 Resolved a problem where LLMz would respond with an empty message.
❌ Corrected an error that prevented bot deletion under certain conditions.